#8665cc Color Information

#8665cc Color Information
Details | Shades, Tints, and Tones | Variations | Color Coordinates | Color Schemes | HTML+CSS Examples | Coding & Programming | Color Blindness | Accessibility | Related Colors

The hexadecimal value (hex value) of this color is #8665cc. In RGB, it consists of 52.5% Red, 39.6% Green, and 80.0% Blue. Likewise, in the CMYK color space, it consists of 34.3% Cyan, 50.5% Magenta, 0% Yellow, and 20% Black. On the color wheel, its Hue is found at 259.2°, with saturation of 50.2% and lightness of 59.8%. The decimal value for #8665cc is 8807884, and its nearest "web safe" color is #9966cc. In the RGB color space, the strongest component for #8665cc is blue. In the CMYK color space, its strongest component is magenta. And in the RYB color space, its strongest component is blue.
  • HexHex code for this color#8665cc Copy
  • NameThe common name of this color(Unnamed) Copy
  • RGBRed, Green, Blue composition for this color134, 101, 204 Copy
  • RGB PercentPercent Red, Green, Blue composition for this color52.5%, 39.6%, 80.0% Copy
  • CMYCyan, Magenta, Yellow composition for this color0.475, 0.604, 0.200 Copy
  • CMYKCyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black composition for this color0.343, 0.505, 0, 0.2 Copy
  • HSLHue, Saturation, Lightness combination for this color259.2°, 50.2%, 59.8% Copy
  • HSV (or HSB)Hue, Saturation, Brightness combination for this color259.2°, 50.5%, 80.0% Copy
  • XYZCIE 1931 color space XYZ coordinates for this color25.384, 18.735, 59.405 Copy
  • RYBRed, Yellow, Blue composition for this color134, 101, 204 Copy
  • DecimalDecimal representation of this color's hex code8807884 Copy
  • CIE-LABCIELAB color space coordinates for this color50.376, 35.889, -48.983 Copy
  • CIE-LCHCIE-LCH color space coordinates for this color (chroma, hue, etc.)50.376, 60.724, 306.229 Copy
  • CIE-LUVCIE-LUV color space coordinates for this color50.376, 7.646, -78.852 Copy
  • Hunter LabHunter-Lab color space coordinates for this color43.284, 28.935, -51.073 Copy
  • xyYCIE xyY color space coordinates for this color0.245, 0.181, 18.735 Copy
  • AndroidValue of this color in Android development4286997964 / 0xff8665cc Copy
  • Web SafeHex code of the nearest "web safe" version of this color#9966cc Copy
Last Updated: May 8, 2024

Shades of #8665cc

Shades are created by adding black to or removing lightness from a particular color. For #8665cc, its pure hue is 259.2° on the color wheel and its saturation is 50.2%, and its lightness is 59.8%. As the amount of black is added to this hue and we reduce its lightness, the result is increasingly darker shades tints. The palette given below provides 9 different shades of #8665cc, which — excluding black and our original color — range from #110d1a to #7558b3.

Tints of #8665cc

Tints are created by adding white or lightness to a particular color. For #8665cc, its pure hue is 259.2° on the color wheel and its saturation is 50.2%, and its lightness is 59.8%. As the amount of white (lightness) is added to this hue, the result is increasingly lighter tints. The following palette gives 9 different tints of #8665cc, which — excluding white and our original color — range from #9578d2 to #f0ecf9.

Tones of #8665cc

Tones are the result of adding gray to a pure hue. In the case of #8665cc, its pure hue is 259.2° on the color wheel and its saturation is 50.2%, so we increase this saturation to create more colorful tones, and decrease the saturation to create grayer tones. The palette shown below gives 9 different tones of #8665cc, which range from #999999 (the grayest / 0% saturation) to #7432ff (the most colorful / 100% saturation).

Variations of #8665cc

There are several ways to create color variations and premutations of #8665cc! For #8665cc, there are 6 variations of the color that can be created by swapping its Red, Green, and Blue color positions, of which 5 are different from our original color. Among these six variations, there are 6 unique colors including our original color, #8665cc. Click on these colors to learn more about them, too!

Color Coordinates of #8665cc

This color, #8665cc, consists of 52.5% Red, 39.6% Green, and 80.0% Blue, resulting in color coordinates Red = 134, Green = 101, Blue = 204. Likewise, the CMYK color space composition for #8665cc is 34.3% Cyan, 50.5% Magenta, 0% Yellow, and 20% Black. These values are shown in the following charts and tables.

Color Base R (Red) G (Green) B (Blue)
Decimal 134 101 204
Octal 206 145 314
Hexa #86 #65 #cc
Binary 10000110 01100101 11001100
Color Base C (Cyan) M (Magenta) Y (Yellow) Y (Black)
Decimal 34 50 0 19
Octal 42 62 0 23
Hexa #22 #32 #00 #13
Binary 00100010 00110010 00000000 00010011

Analogous Colors of #8665cc

Analogous colors are located 30 degrees away from a color's hue on the color wheel. For #8665cc — which has hue 259.2° — its analogous colors are located at 229.2° and 289.2° on the color wheel, with the same saturation and lightness as #8665cc.

Triadic Colors of #8665cc

Triadic colors are located 120 degrees away from a color's hue on the color wheel, which means the original color and its triadic colors are equidistant from one another on the color wheel and form a triangle. For #8665cc — which has hue 259.2° — its triadic colors are located at 19.2° and 259.2° on the color wheel, with the same saturation and lightness as #8665cc.

Complementary Color of #8665cc

A complementary color is located opposite a color on the color wheel (180 degrees away). For #8665cc — which has hue 259.2° — its complementary color is located at 79.2° on the color wheel, with the same saturation and lightness as #8665cc.

Split Complementary Colors of #8665cc

Split complementary colors are the analogs of a color's complement, which places them 210 degrees away on the color wheel from an original color. For #8665cc — which has hue 259.2° — its split complementary colors its split complementary colors are located at 49.2° and 259.2° on the color wheel, with the same saturation and lightness as #8665cc.

Tetradic Colors of #8665cc

Tetradic colors are two sets of complementary colors on either side of a color wheel from each other, forming a rectangle on the color wheel. For #8665cc — which has hue 259.2° — its tetradic colors are located at 169.2°, 259.2°, 349.2°, and 79.2° on the color wheel, with the same saturation and lightness as #8665cc.

Monochromatic Colors of #8665cc

Monochromatic colors are colors that share a common hue but that have different saturations and lightness. For #8665cc, we show 9 different monochromatic colors of it, ranging from #5c4c7f — (which has very low saturation and very low lightness) — to #bea5f2 (which has a very high saturation and very high lightness).

HTML+CSS Examples & Previews of #8665cc

We want to make getting started with #8665cc on your website fast and easy! Below are 8 examples of how to integrate #8665cc into a website using HTML+CSS. These examples include showing how #8665cc can be used to color text, backgrounds, shadows, and borders, as well as how it can be used as a solid fill or gradient fill for rectangles. These examples principally make use of <span> and <div> tags, although the CSS shown in particular can be repurposed to make use of #8665cc with other HTML elements.

#8665cc Foreground / Text Color

The color of this text is #8665cc.
<span style="color: #8665cc;">The color of this text is #8665cc.</span>

#8665cc Background Color

The background color for this text is #8665cc.
<div style="background-color: #8665cc; color:#ffffff; width:100%; height:100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">The background color for this text is #8665cc.</div>

#8665cc Text Shadow Color

This color for the shadow of this text is #8665cc.
<span style="text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #8665cc;">This color for the shadow of this text is #8665cc.</span>

#8665cc Border Color

This is a div with border color #8665cc.
<div style="border: #8665cc 4px solid;width:100%; height:100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">This is a div with border color #8665cc.</div>

#8665cc Color Rectangle on a White Background

This is a rectangle of color #8665cc on a white background.
<div style="background-color: #ffffff; padding: 60px; width:100%; height: 100%;"><div style="background-color: #8665cc; color:#ffffff; width:100%; height:100%; padding: 10px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">This is a rectangle of color #8665cc on a white background.</div></div>

#8665cc Color Rectangle on a Black Background

This is a rectangle of color #8665cc on a black background.
<div style="background-color: #000000; padding: 60px; width:100%; height: 100%;"><div style="background-color: #8665cc; color:#ffffff; width:100%; height:100%; padding: 10px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">This is a rectangle of color #8665cc on a black background.</div></div>

Gradient from #8665cc to White

This is a gradient from #8665cc to white.
<div style="background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,#8665cc,white); /* Firefox */ background: linear-gradient(to right,#8665cc,white); /* Safari */ background: -o-linear-gradient(left,#8665cc,white); /* Opera */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(left,#8665cc,white); width:100%; height:100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">This is a gradient from #8665cc to white.</div>

Gradient from #8665cc to Black

This is a gradient from #8665cc to black.
<div style="background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,#8665cc,black); /* Firefox */ background: linear-gradient(to right,#8665cc,black); /* Safari */ background: -o-linear-gradient(left,#8665cc,black); /* Opera */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(left,#8665cc,black); color: #ffffff; width:100%; height:100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">This is a gradient from #8665cc to black.</div>

Coding & Programming with #8665cc

In addition to using #8665cc on the web, we know you might want to use it in your mobile and desktop apps, too. Whatever your needs, the table below shows how to access #8665cc in the language and environment of your choice. These code snippets are principally the hexadecimal representation of #8665cc, or the RGB color coordinates for the same (Red = 134, Green = 101, Blue = 204). If you need details about the color coordinates of #8665cc in other color spaces, refer to these details as provided toward the top of this page.

Language Environment Code Snippet
HTML + CSS (Hex Code) Web #8665cc
HTML + CSS (RGB Code) Web rgb(134, 101, 204)
CSS Background Color Web .myclass { background-color: #8665cc; }
CSS Foreground + Text Color Web .myclass { color: #8665cc; }
CSS Border Color Web .myclass { border: 2px solid #8665cc; }
Java (Multi-platform) new Color(134, 101, 204);
Python (Multi-platform) Color("#8665cc")
Swift iOS UIColor(red:134, green:101, blue:204, alpha:1.0000)
Objective-C (iOS) iOS [UIColor colorWithRed:134 green:101 blue:204 alpha:1.0000];
OpenGL (Graphics) glColor3f(134f, 101f, 204f);
C# / .NET Windows Color.FromArgb(134, 101, 204);

#8665cc Color Blindness

Not everyone can see #8665cc the same way. For those with color blindness, #8665cc might look very, very different. Here, we simulate eight examples of color blindness, and how #8665cc looks next to each one of them. In all cases, #8665cc is placed in a circle in the upper-left corner of each of the below boxes, with the color in the rest of those boxes signifying how #8665cc looks for someone with that type of color blindness. Many people will perceive close similarities between the colors in these boxes and the colors in the circles — with some noticing particular similarities. We offer this insight so that as you make choices about colors to use for your purposes, you can make an informed decision about whether #8665cc will be a good fit for everyone in your audience!


Affects 1 in 100 Men & 1 in 10,000 Women

Affects 1 in 17 Men & 1 in 250 Women

Affects 1 in 10,000


Affects 1 in 100, Mostly Men

Affects 1 in 100, Mostly Men

Affects 1 in 100,000


Affects 1 in 20,000

Affects 1 in 100,000


Not Accessibility Recommended

We analyzed whether #8665cc is an accessible color when used as a text / foreground color against a white background. This analysis is based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2 Level issued by W3C. Based on this analysis, we calculate a contrast ratio against white of approximately 4.4:1 against white. While there are some situations where this contrast is high enough to be considered accessible under the AA or AAA level standards, it is not high enough to be considered accessible in all cases. Details about the specific circumstances where #8665cc would and would not be an accessible foreground color are summarized below.

Normal Size Text

Large Size Text

Normal Size Text

Large Size Text