#ebdbf8 Color Information

#ebdbf8 Color Information
Details | Shades, Tints, and Tones | Variations | Color Coordinates | Color Schemes | HTML+CSS Examples | Coding & Programming | Color Blindness | Accessibility | Related Colors

The hexadecimal value (hex value) of this color is #ebdbf8. In RGB, it consists of 92.2% Red, 85.9% Green, and 97.3% Blue. Likewise, in the CMYK color space, it consists of 5.2% Cyan, 11.7% Magenta, 0% Yellow, and 2.7% Black. On the color wheel, its Hue is found at 273.1°, with saturation of 67.4% and lightness of 91.6%. The decimal value for #ebdbf8 is 15457272, and its nearest "web safe" color is #ffccff. In the RGB color space, the strongest component for #ebdbf8 is blue. In the CMYK color space, its strongest component is magenta. And in the RYB color space, its strongest component is blue.
  • HexHex code for this color#ebdbf8 Copy
  • NameThe common name of this color(Unnamed) Copy
  • RGBRed, Green, Blue composition for this color235, 219, 248 Copy
  • RGB PercentPercent Red, Green, Blue composition for this color92.2%, 85.9%, 97.3% Copy
  • CMYCyan, Magenta, Yellow composition for this color0.078, 0.141, 0.027 Copy
  • CMYKCyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black composition for this color0.052, 0.117, 0, 0.027 Copy
  • HSLHue, Saturation, Lightness combination for this color273.1°, 67.4%, 91.6% Copy
  • HSV (or HSB)Hue, Saturation, Brightness combination for this color273.1°, 11.7%, 97.3% Copy
  • XYZCIE 1931 color space XYZ coordinates for this color76.536, 75.103, 99.269 Copy
  • RYBRed, Yellow, Blue composition for this color235, 219, 248 Copy
  • DecimalDecimal representation of this color's hex code15457272 Copy
  • CIE-LABCIELAB color space coordinates for this color89.441, 10.683, -12.137 Copy
  • CIE-LCHCIE-LCH color space coordinates for this color (chroma, hue, etc.)89.441, 16.169, 311.356 Copy
  • CIE-LUVCIE-LUV color space coordinates for this color89.441, 7.134, -20.913 Copy
  • Hunter LabHunter-Lab color space coordinates for this color86.662, 5.985, -7.252 Copy
  • xyYCIE xyY color space coordinates for this color0.305, 0.299, 75.103 Copy
  • AndroidValue of this color in Android development4293647352 / 0xffebdbf8 Copy
  • Web SafeHex code of the nearest "web safe" version of this color#ffccff Copy
Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Shades of #ebdbf8

Shades are created by adding black to or removing lightness from a particular color. For #ebdbf8, its pure hue is 273.1° on the color wheel and its saturation is 67.4%, and its lightness is 91.6%. As the amount of black is added to this hue and we reduce its lightness, the result is increasingly darker shades tints. The palette given below provides 9 different shades of #ebdbf8, which — excluding black and our original color — range from #1d1b1f to #cec0d9.

Tints of #ebdbf8

Tints are created by adding white or lightness to a particular color. For #ebdbf8, its pure hue is 273.1° on the color wheel and its saturation is 67.4%, and its lightness is 91.6%. As the amount of white (lightness) is added to this hue, the result is increasingly lighter tints. The following palette gives 9 different tints of #ebdbf8, which — excluding white and our original color — range from #eee0f9 to #fdfbfe.

Tones of #ebdbf8

Tones are the result of adding gray to a pure hue. In the case of #ebdbf8, its pure hue is 273.1° on the color wheel and its saturation is 67.4%, so we increase this saturation to create more colorful tones, and decrease the saturation to create grayer tones. The palette shown below gives 9 different tones of #ebdbf8, which range from #eaeaea (the grayest / 0% saturation) to #ecd4ff (the most colorful / 100% saturation).

Variations of #ebdbf8

There are several ways to create color variations and premutations of #ebdbf8! For #ebdbf8, there are 6 variations of the color that can be created by swapping its Red, Green, and Blue color positions, of which 5 are different from our original color. Among these six variations, there are 6 unique colors including our original color, #ebdbf8. Click on these colors to learn more about them, too!

Color Coordinates of #ebdbf8

This color, #ebdbf8, consists of 92.2% Red, 85.9% Green, and 97.3% Blue, resulting in color coordinates Red = 235, Green = 219, Blue = 248. Likewise, the CMYK color space composition for #ebdbf8 is 5.2% Cyan, 11.7% Magenta, 0% Yellow, and 2.7% Black. These values are shown in the following charts and tables.

Color Base R (Red) G (Green) B (Blue)
Decimal 235 219 248
Octal 353 333 370
Hexa #eb #db #f8
Binary 11101011 11011011 11111000
Color Base C (Cyan) M (Magenta) Y (Yellow) Y (Black)
Decimal 5 11 0 2
Octal 5 13 0 2
Hexa #05 #0b #00 #02
Binary 00000101 00001011 00000000 00000010

Analogous Colors of #ebdbf8

Analogous colors are located 30 degrees away from a color's hue on the color wheel. For #ebdbf8 — which has hue 273.1° — its analogous colors are located at 243.1° and 303.1° on the color wheel, with the same saturation and lightness as #ebdbf8.

Triadic Colors of #ebdbf8

Triadic colors are located 120 degrees away from a color's hue on the color wheel, which means the original color and its triadic colors are equidistant from one another on the color wheel and form a triangle. For #ebdbf8 — which has hue 273.1° — its triadic colors are located at 33.1° and 273.1° on the color wheel, with the same saturation and lightness as #ebdbf8.

Complementary Color of #ebdbf8

A complementary color is located opposite a color on the color wheel (180 degrees away). For #ebdbf8 — which has hue 273.1° — its complementary color is located at 93.1° on the color wheel, with the same saturation and lightness as #ebdbf8.

Split Complementary Colors of #ebdbf8

Split complementary colors are the analogs of a color's complement, which places them 210 degrees away on the color wheel from an original color. For #ebdbf8 — which has hue 273.1° — its split complementary colors its split complementary colors are located at 63.1° and 273.1° on the color wheel, with the same saturation and lightness as #ebdbf8.

Tetradic Colors of #ebdbf8

Tetradic colors are two sets of complementary colors on either side of a color wheel from each other, forming a rectangle on the color wheel. For #ebdbf8 — which has hue 273.1° — its tetradic colors are located at 183.1°, 273.1°, 3.1°, and 93.1° on the color wheel, with the same saturation and lightness as #ebdbf8.

Monochromatic Colors of #ebdbf8

Monochromatic colors are colors that share a common hue but that have different saturations and lightness. For #ebdbf8, we show 9 different monochromatic colors of it, ranging from #e0ceef — (which has very low saturation and very low lightness) — to #f5ebfd (which has a very high saturation and very high lightness).

HTML+CSS Examples & Previews of #ebdbf8

We want to make getting started with #ebdbf8 on your website fast and easy! Below are 8 examples of how to integrate #ebdbf8 into a website using HTML+CSS. These examples include showing how #ebdbf8 can be used to color text, backgrounds, shadows, and borders, as well as how it can be used as a solid fill or gradient fill for rectangles. These examples principally make use of <span> and <div> tags, although the CSS shown in particular can be repurposed to make use of #ebdbf8 with other HTML elements.

#ebdbf8 Foreground / Text Color

The color of this text is #ebdbf8.
<span style="color: #ebdbf8;">The color of this text is #ebdbf8.</span>

#ebdbf8 Background Color

The background color for this text is #ebdbf8.
<div style="background-color: #ebdbf8; width:100%; height:100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">The background color for this text is #ebdbf8.</div>

#ebdbf8 Text Shadow Color

This color for the shadow of this text is #ebdbf8.
<span style="text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #ebdbf8;">This color for the shadow of this text is #ebdbf8.</span>

#ebdbf8 Border Color

This is a div with border color #ebdbf8.
<div style="border: #ebdbf8 4px solid;width:100%; height:100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">This is a div with border color #ebdbf8.</div>

#ebdbf8 Color Rectangle on a White Background

This is a rectangle of color #ebdbf8 on a white background.
<div style="background-color: #ffffff; padding: 60px; width:100%; height: 100%;"><div style="background-color: #ebdbf8; width:100%; height:100%; padding: 10px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">This is a rectangle of color #ebdbf8 on a white background.</div></div>

#ebdbf8 Color Rectangle on a Black Background

This is a rectangle of color #ebdbf8 on a black background.
<div style="background-color: #000000; padding: 60px; width:100%; height: 100%;"><div style="background-color: #ebdbf8; width:100%; height:100%; padding: 10px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">This is a rectangle of color #ebdbf8 on a black background.</div></div>

Gradient from #ebdbf8 to White

This is a gradient from #ebdbf8 to white.
<div style="background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,#ebdbf8,white); /* Firefox */ background: linear-gradient(to right,#ebdbf8,white); /* Safari */ background: -o-linear-gradient(left,#ebdbf8,white); /* Opera */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(left,#ebdbf8,white); width:100%; height:100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">This is a gradient from #ebdbf8 to white.</div>

Gradient from #ebdbf8 to Black

This is a gradient from #ebdbf8 to black.
<div style="background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,#ebdbf8,black); /* Firefox */ background: linear-gradient(to right,#ebdbf8,black); /* Safari */ background: -o-linear-gradient(left,#ebdbf8,black); /* Opera */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(left,#ebdbf8,black); color: #ffffff; width:100%; height:100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">This is a gradient from #ebdbf8 to black.</div>

Coding & Programming with #ebdbf8

In addition to using #ebdbf8 on the web, we know you might want to use it in your mobile and desktop apps, too. Whatever your needs, the table below shows how to access #ebdbf8 in the language and environment of your choice. These code snippets are principally the hexadecimal representation of #ebdbf8, or the RGB color coordinates for the same (Red = 235, Green = 219, Blue = 248). If you need details about the color coordinates of #ebdbf8 in other color spaces, refer to these details as provided toward the top of this page.

Language Environment Code Snippet
HTML + CSS (Hex Code) Web #ebdbf8
HTML + CSS (RGB Code) Web rgb(235, 219, 248)
CSS Background Color Web .myclass { background-color: #ebdbf8; }
CSS Foreground + Text Color Web .myclass { color: #ebdbf8; }
CSS Border Color Web .myclass { border: 2px solid #ebdbf8; }
Java (Multi-platform) new Color(235, 219, 248);
Python (Multi-platform) Color("#ebdbf8")
Swift iOS UIColor(red:235, green:219, blue:248, alpha:1.0000)
Objective-C (iOS) iOS [UIColor colorWithRed:235 green:219 blue:248 alpha:1.0000];
OpenGL (Graphics) glColor3f(235f, 219f, 248f);
C# / .NET Windows Color.FromArgb(235, 219, 248);

#ebdbf8 Color Blindness

Not everyone can see #ebdbf8 the same way. For those with color blindness, #ebdbf8 might look very, very different. Here, we simulate eight examples of color blindness, and how #ebdbf8 looks next to each one of them. In all cases, #ebdbf8 is placed in a circle in the upper-left corner of each of the below boxes, with the color in the rest of those boxes signifying how #ebdbf8 looks for someone with that type of color blindness. Many people will perceive close similarities between the colors in these boxes and the colors in the circles — with some noticing particular similarities. We offer this insight so that as you make choices about colors to use for your purposes, you can make an informed decision about whether #ebdbf8 will be a good fit for everyone in your audience!


Affects 1 in 100 Men & 1 in 10,000 Women

Affects 1 in 17 Men & 1 in 250 Women

Affects 1 in 10,000


Affects 1 in 100, Mostly Men

Affects 1 in 100, Mostly Men

Affects 1 in 100,000


Affects 1 in 20,000

Affects 1 in 100,000


Not Accessibility Recommended

We analyzed whether #ebdbf8 is an accessible color when used as a text / foreground color against a white background. This analysis is based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2 Level issued by W3C. Based on this analysis, we calculate a contrast ratio against white of approximately 1.3:1 against white. Under both the AA and AAA level standards, this is not a high enough ratio to be considered accessible for either normal size or large text.

Normal Size Text

Large Size Text

Normal Size Text

Large Size Text